
연중무휴 365일 진료


  • 올리몰스
  • 의료진 소개
곽규환 치과 원장
치과 원장
  • 2009

    제주대학교 수의과대학 졸업

  • 2010

    제주대학교 의학전문대학원

  • 2019

    경희대학교 치의학전문대학원 복합학위과정 졸업, 치의과학박사, 치과의사

  • 2020

    University at Buffalo (뉴욕주립대) 치과대학 박사후연구원


  • 2008

    한국수의학회 추계학술대회 포스터 발표

  • 2015

    International Conference on System Biology 참여

  • 2016

    전국 치과대학 및 치의학전문 대학원 학생학술경연대회 대상

  • 2018

    국제치과연구학회(IADR) 초청 및 발표
    “Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells Suppress Alloantigen-induced Immunity by Stimulating T Cells To Release TGF”

  • 2018

    대한구강생물학회 회원

  • 2018

    대한면역학회 회원

  • 2019

    국제치과연구학회(IADR) 참여


  • Human dental pulp stem cells suppress alloantigen-induced
    immunity by stimulating T cells to release transforming growth
    factor beta (2017) Journal of Endodontics
    Progranulin inhibits human T lymphocyte proliferation by
    inducing the formation of regulatory T lymphocytes (2017)
    Mediators of Inflammation
    G-protein-coupled calcium-sensing receptor is a crucial
    mediator of MTA-induced biological activities (2017) Biomaterials
    Intracellular NO-releasing hyaluronic acid-based nanocarriers: A
    potential chemosensitizing agent for cancer chemotherapy (2018)
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfances
    Effect of Sodium Tripolyphosphate on Oral Commensal and
    Pathogenic Bacteria (2019) Polish Journal of Microbiology
    Antibacterial effects of sodium tripolyphosphate against
    Porphyromonas species associated with periodontitis of
    companion animals (2019) Journal of Veterinary Science